Chemical Mechanical Polishing Slurry – One-stop Solution

Chemical mechanical polishing is essential for achieving global and local planarization of wafers in the IC manufacturing process, in which Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) slurries are the main processing chemicals used. Depending on the objects of polishing, Anji’s chemical mechanical polishing slurries include copper slurries, barrier slurries, dielectric (silica-based and ceria-based abrasive) slurries, tungsten slurries, slurries for various substrates, formulated wet chemicals, and polishing slurries for new materials and applications. Currently, Anji’s copper and barrier slurries can meet the needs of chip manufacturers in China and has penetrated overseas markets. Other related polishing slurries are supplied to numerous chip manufacturers in China and abroad, and their production scale will be adapted to the needs of clients.

Formulated Electronic Wet Chemicals – Leader of Advanced Technologies

Formulated electronic wet chemicals refers to formulated wet electronic chemicals that achieve special functions through formulation technology and meet specific requirements of chip manufacturing processes. Anji offers a series of products, such as post etch cleaning solutions, photo resist stripper, post CMP cleaning solutions, etchants, and ECD solution and additives. Post etch cleaning solutions, photoresist strippers, and post polishing cleaning solutions have been widely used in the IC manufacturing processes on 8-inch and 12-inch wafers.

Post etch cleaning solutions

Post CMP cleaning solutions

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